Monday, October 13, 2008


I dont know how to acuratley put into words the changes i have gone through in the past 8 years. Everything from my lifestyle to my goals to my beliefs have done a complete 180 and it is so so weird to look back in hindsight.
any way, this is not why i am blogging. Its late and ive been trying to do this for days, however i have been too tires..which i am tired now, so appologies for any glaring typos, or absolute nonsense.

of course the election is coming up. I respect America for what we are"supposed" to stand for. I may not agree with how we obtained our land or the current realities, however, i have to respect a place where i am not threatened by a tyrant dictator and things like that. therefore i will be participating in the elecetion process, and i think everyone should even though i know there are those who wont.
I respect the process of democracy. I do not however enjoy the attitude it brings out in this season.

Im not opposed to debate. I in fact think that debating is the best way to truly analyze your thoughts and make an educated decision that you find best fit for this country and her needs.

I do not think you get any where by criticizing someone for the beliefs they hold. I swear if I hear one more person talk an hour about how bad of a president George Bush was i might go crazy.

Being one of the obvioulsy many americans that voted for bush, both times, I am not stupid and a recognize him for the failure that he was. However, I VOTED FOR HIM. therefore i really have no room to complain about a desicion hatI as well as the majority of the country made. We shot ourselves in the foot. It happened, and he is on his way out. all the bitching in the world cant change whats happened. I suppose if you did not vote for him i can listen to your rants for a hot second, and i will whole heartedly agree with you and support you in your quest to vote in the 08 election.

But if you voted for Bush, then shut your pie hole.

With that being said.
I now will speak on Obama/Mccain....and whatever other person will be on the ballot and not win. I will not pass judgement on you for voting for a non partisan/green/libertarian...whatever the heck its called i cant think of the term at the moment, especially if you have supported them from the beginning. I have friends who have supported Ron Paul since before i even had my ears tuned into the presidential race. And for them I say...You go. You do your thing. You vote for your person because you are so compelled and have been right out of the gate.

My problem now with that is, because people cant decide between "the two evils" they are voting for the non dominant party candidate.
maybe in a perfect world one of those candidates would win. But clearly they wont. not in this election any way. It will be either obama or mccain. Picking someone who wont win just because you dont like the two major not only a waste..its kind of a cop out. ( again..only if you have not been a long time supporter). You live in America. They both may very well suck but you need to choose between who sucks and who sucks more. Regardless of the ideals you want..Obama or Mccain will run this country the next four years, and you need to weigh the pros and cons, because i have a feeling you will wish you did.

I was reading a Note on facebook from a former classmate on facebook. It was entitled "why i vote republican"
of course this intrigued me, and even though i have no affiliation with this boy any more nor would i desire to, i read his note.

to sum it up, he basically declared that he votes republican for one reason and one reason only.
His family makes more than "250,000" in a year. therefore because the republican party gives them a benefit, and that helps his family, and his family is what he is most concerned about, he votes republican.

im not an idiot. i understand the concept. You dont want tax increases blahdyblah blah.
But i want to know if one of his families endeavors goes south and for some reason they are back into 40-50,000 dollars a year, would he then vote democrat because that would then benefit his family most?

it seemed highly ignorant, but i am not judging because im sure it is solid in his mind. But really. One issue? thats the only reason you vote republican? He clearly stated that he would always vote republican unless satan himself was the party nominee.

Shouldnt part of the voting process be looking for what benefits this country as a whole? What is best for everyone? Not just you and your cushioned bank account?

I just think this is why our country is so disgusting. ( and i am very much aware that i am100 percent at fault as well) Money controls us. material wealth. We have literally fucked everything up for the love of money and its gross. Im so incredibly happy that you have three cars, a nice house full of pretty things. You have a mom who doesnt have to work and she can do your laundry and fund your schooling with ease. That life must be nice and im sure you are so greatful. But when i look around and see that im in the minority. that people are going hungry IN AMERICA, when people cant get jobs, when people cant get medical help....i think that i can give uncle sam a little more of my money to help even out the burden.

i just wish he had another reason to vote republican. sigh..

I think that with obama as president, we will have another terrorist attack on american soil in the next four years...which will probably involve that wont be fun...however if mccain is president the economy and health care will be so bad i will probably wish someone would nuke me.
so as of now..i think i will cross my fingers and hope we dont get bombed or attacked and enjoy life again, rather than watch things continue if not get worse than they are now.
ehhh. the dilema! not much longer will it plague me though. and not much longer will i have to listen to crazy people debate and not know what they are talking about.

The problem is no one wants to admit fault. They are both human, and they willboth screw up. People talk like obama has no flaws...uhhhh hello...have you watched the news lately..

any way. obama it is.

for now...


Im also bothered slighty when people get bent out of shape with gay marriage and abortion and church and state.
I was raised Christian, and still would consider myself one. I am against abortion, I personally dont think i would do it since i myself am adopted, but how do i know i am not nor have i ever been pregnant and put into that situation. Wether it is legal or not, people will do it. Banning it will only revert back to the days when secret clinics existed or people did it with coat hangers. Look it up. it happened. It was extremely unsafe and there were several uneccesary deaths as a result. It also takes a right to choose away. And women faught for these things. if you dont want to kill your baby then dont.
I have the same sentiment for Gay marriage. I think love is love and if you dont like gays or dont want to be gay then dont be. The Bible is very unclear and can be interpretted several different ways. Full of contradictions on many things. This government is NOT a theocracy, nor should it be. Marriage...cannot be underminded more than it already has been by heterosexuals. The validity of marriage is shot to hell when the very officials who "oppose" gay marriage are having affairs, or molesting little boys. As with abortion, regardless as to what you believe, gay marriage is happening, and will continue to happen. If you dont like it dont support it, dont be apart of it, but for Gods sake get over it. God is love remember? As a Christian your job is to love God and love people. PERIOD. not enforce Gods "rules" that we may or may not be interpreting correctly, o n any one else.
i just feel like those two issues alone also sway peoples votes to the right, and i believe you will be sorely dissapointed because all of this will come to pass anyway. the government simply cant stop it.

I am flawed in that i read many books at one time.
Another book i have sunk my teeth into, and surprisingly i am enjoying quite thoroughly, is UTOPIA, by Sir Thomas More.
this book is what got my mind whirrling around America in the first place.

"You must strive to influence policy indirectly, handle the situation tactfully, and thus what you cannot turn to good, you may at least- to the extent of your powers-make less bad. For it is impossible to make all institutions good unless you make all men good, and that i dont expect to see for a long time to come."

" long as you have private property, and as long as cash money is the measure of all things, it is really not possible for a nation to be governed justly or happily. For justice cannot exist where all the best things in life are held by the worst citizens; nor can anyone be happy when property is limited to a few, since those few are always uneasy and the many are utterly wretched."

" the social evils i mentioned may be alleviated and there effects mitigated for awhile, but so long as private property remains, there is no hope at all of effecting a cure and restoring society to good health. While you try to cure one part , you aggravate the disease in other parts. Supressing one symptom causes another to break out, since you cannot give somehing to one man without taking it away from someone else."

i do not say any of this as an expert on any subject and feel free to correct me on any wrong impression or fact i have tunes into. just my thoughts as of late.

1 comment:

Trev said...

I just love you and love reading your stuff. I too am voting for Obama.