Monday, October 6, 2008

The eye you see isn't an eye because you see it; it's an eye because it sees you.

Anyone who is interested should read welcome to the machine.

"You walk into a store. Or maybe it's a police station. Or a school. Sometimes you can't tell the difference. You know that there are cameras everywhere. You can see them. You know that there are no chips in your clothes. You have removed them, each and every one. You know that someday the world will once again be free of machines, and free of the machine culture that made them. But for now it isn't.
And you aim to do something about that.
You're not stupid. You know that there are many who still believe in the myth of the machine. You know that there are many who are more interested in power than life- yours or theirs. You know that they will kill to defend the machines that own them. You know that they will themselves die rather than break their identification with the machine. In fact the machine is already killing them. And you will not be caught by them. You are not stupid.
You do not take orders from any one. Sometimes you work by yourself, and sometimes you work with those you trust, your brothers and sisters in this struggle against the machine, for life. You are dismantling the machines, and the machine, in the ways you know best. You have taken them out of your heart, and glittering trinkets no longer hold you captive. You see the store, or maybe it's a police station, or a school, or a political organization, for the prison that it really is.
And when you are done with your work inside of this prison, dismantling whatever needs dismantling that you are best able to dismantle in the way that you are best able to dismantle it, you go back outside, into the sunshine or the dark of night, into the embrace of the real world.
You feel happy."
Derrick Jensen, Welcome to the Machine: Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control.

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