Tuesday, August 12, 2008


im ill. and if i could venture a guess on where i caught this nasty bug, i would have to say the bowling alley. when i was there i couldnt help but notice what a festering germ pool it was. but of course i did not care. but i care now.
i hate being sick. and i know i didnt get sick at work because not a day goes by where im not in direct contact with bleach or other corosive disinfectant.
with that being said. as tired as i am, im finding it hard to sleep.

my grandmother is a crazy woman.
some time ago, a wild cat appeared on her deck. my grandmother fed it of course, and low and behold she was pregnant and had little wild babies.
they made a home under the deck and my grandma continued to feed it, but would not let them inside.
Since my grandmother has been a widow since 2001, and both dogs have since died, the whole family encouraged her adopting these kittens. although some people dislike them, cats actually do wonders for the soul and have even proven to assist in the healing of cancer patients. Of course my grandma needs a companion, as stubborn as she is and insistent that she doesnt need one, i think it has been a good five months of prodding to finally get her to adopt these kittens.
I myself have seen them and played with them, and while two of them are now adopted by other people, she kept the cutest two. One being all white almost siamese looking, and the other being a blondie. Beauties.

Any way. My grandma has also made a living off babysitting in her old age, and had a spare play pin laying around. So when she finally decided to bring the two kittens into the house, she put them in a playpen and covered the top with a tablecloth. This is where they stay from six pm until 6am when she wakes up. ( mind you when momma cat accidentally came into the house one day, my grandmother chased her around with a broom in hopes to get it back out...and she wonders why they disappeared for a week).

my grandmother is a crazy crazy woman. You dont coop up cats. let alone wild cats. They of course have claws, and they of course have ripped through the mesh play pin.
but dont worry my grandma knows how to sew. And so she sews the playpen back up everytime. dear gawd.

she also had the one and only huge giant tree cut down out of her back yard because she was tired of picking up sticks and it was apparently dying ( im not so sure it was the dying as much as the stick issue..who picks up sticks anyway..?) so now she has this huge round stump in her back yard.
its fun to sit on i suppose. but i cant even sit on it any more because she took her extra plastic baby pool and nailed it to the lopsided stump and planted flowers in it.

and im the one who grew up in arkansas....


oh betty.

did i mention that she name the siamese looking one chin chin.
because it looks oriental.
im sure she doesnt realize just how borderline racist that is, but because she doesnt realize it, i will laugh and enjoy it.

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