Tuesday, August 12, 2008


bah. i am writing a new post. simply because it deserves a fresh page.

I love my pets.

people say this often but i dont think its possible to love your animals as much as i do.

My dog brandi is the very best thing in my life. she is old now, and she smells and has very bad gas. But even so nothing makes me smile more than coming home and seeing her trot over to me. my favorite part of most days are the times when i can just find her and lay next to her and just sleep, talk or what ever with her. she is my saving grace, and most days i owe every bit of happiness to her.

my second and very deserving love in my life is my cat stormy. when i stumble in at three and four am, it never fails that while everyone in the house is sleeping, as soon as im home he comes down to the kitchen and waits for me to come pick him up and take him to bed with me. Its funny how he came into my life so accidentally. I often wonder had my garage not been open that night, where he would be now. if some other family would be blessed by him or if heaven would be a little brighter.
He came into m garage one night when i was cleaning out some old boxes. There were huge jne bugs everywhere and not that i dont love all creation, but i mean i would prefer the bugs stay outside the garage. then all of a sudden out of nowhere jumps this skinny cat. Just swallowed the whole bug. and he kept doing this. And i decided that it was okay that he stayed and took care of the bugs for me.
but my dad was less than thrilled, and absolutley ripped me a new ass about giving him food. He threatened to ground me or something if i gave it more. Of course i gave it more.
I didnt see him again for two weeks. and one day i walked into the house and there he was.
"damn thing wouldnt leave"
funny how my dad and that cat are possibly more freakishly linked than we are.

And then there is the little princess. Jitterbug. She thinks she is a dog and eats more food than me. i drunkenly rescued her one day at a pet store. I couldnt resist her. So i brought her home and hid her in my bathroom for three days. Probably the most stressfull three days of my life.
i slept with her in my half bath floor. the cold cold floor. I woke up and took cold showers cause i didnt want to steam up the bathroom and make her hot. i left the radio on non stop in case she mewed when i was at work. This plan worked for all of three days. Finally the stress was too much and i told my mom we needed to go to the store.
I was not even ten feet down the street before i busted out into tears. I told my mother that i needed to tell her something very important. which she then assumed i was pregnant. which made telling her i was kiding a kitten in the bathroom really easy because it was not nearly as bad as being pregnant haha.
before we left the store my dad had found the kitten. and so the story goes that they couldnt resist the little nugget either because she is now one year old and happy.
she is not loving like my other two but she is quite unique. she is a combination of dog cat rattle snake. Her tail i swear to god shakes like a rattle snake when she gets excited. its the wierdest thing ive ever seen. and she loves brandi. if brandi lays down and rolls over, so does she. she mimics the dog to a T. and although she would rather be left alone, just seeing her face every day makes me unexplainebly happy.

so. you might be thinking i need therapy or something for just writing a love story about my animals, but i just think everyone should know. People comment on how nice i am, and how im so different and blah blah blah. I would not be who i am if it werent for the selfless love of my animals. they are forever in always in my corner, and they very well may be the only ones permanently there.

I know not everyone likes animals or desires pets, but im glad im not that person because i would be ugly in every sense of the word.

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